Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Journals And Letters Of Carl Smith Essay - 1200 Words

The Journals and Letters of Carl Smith March 8, 1769 My original name is Carl Smith but my friends call me CS. I’m 23 years old, I’m from Virginia and during the last years I have been traveling around the 13 colonies to fight the British soldiers. The reason why I joined the American Army over 6 Months ago is because I’m single, and I also was unable to get a job that I wanted was unable to receive my diploma, because I was unable to afford the stamp to be stamped on the certificate. I also joined the army because I was tired of all these decisions the British government took for us because we had no authority for example I was tired of the Kings’ unacceptable taxes over some items for example the stamp act. Soldiers are not professionals in modern English, for they might well first enter a military school or buy a commission... The stamp act was a tax put it to every official document, the list included Contracts, newspapers, and playing cards. Important people to colonies had to purchase these stamps. After all the sales the colony would take a good amount of money from all the stamps they sold. This new revenue was to collect money from the different colonies in the U.S. This tariff it was supposedly used to protect the British colonies, but in reality it was used to pay the national debt that the Seven Years war left to Great Britain . In consequence I decided to join the American Army, I have participated in The Stamp Act, The Boston Massacre, The army ofShow MoreRelatedThe Perkins Act1710 Words   |  7 PagesQUESTION #1: (2 points). The Perkins Act, now known as the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006, is one of the most influential legislations in Career and Technical education to date. Summarize the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006, including a brief introduction, benefits of the legislation, and the significance of the legislation. 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While making a significant profit with this system, Ponzi got the ideaRead MoreEssay on Jungian Psychology and Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness6193 Words   |  25 Pagesthe horrors of its savage embrace had, in 1890, lured Conrad himself into adventure that turned him from sailor to writer (Smith, 25) and severely effected his health for the rest of his life (Conrad,v). As the voyage up the Congo proved fateful f or the development of Conrad’s narrator, Marlow, it was equally fateful for Conrad’s individuation, as he reflects in his letters â€Å"Before the Congo I was just a mere animal.† (Jean-Aubrey, 141) Hillman, in â€Å"Notes on White Supremacy† reminds us that,Read MoreEssay about The Roanoke Colony3826 Words   |  16 Pagesgo beyond; the next day they departed. They left Roanoke Island and started inhabiting in the Chesapeake Bay. They built rafts or a boat of some sort using resources tattered apart from their homes. 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The novella was aRead MoreGeorge Washington4952 Words   |  20 PagesWaging War with Honor†, American History, Vol 44 Issue 6, (February 2010): 30-35, 6 pp. 16. Raphael, â€Å"George Washington’s Five Rules for Waging War with Honor†, page 35. 17. Raphael, page 35. 18. Carl LaVO, â€Å"Showdown on the Delaware†, Naval History 23, no. 6 (December 2009): 66. 19. Carl LaVO, â€Å"Showdown on the Delaware†, 66. 20. Cunliffe, page 93. 21. John R. Alden, A History of the American Revolution (Alfred A. Knopf: New York, 1969), pp 457-76. 22. Alden, A History of the

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

State Mission of the National Guard Essay - 2399 Words

Along with deployments over seas the National Guard has state mission. These state missions comprise of multiple parts. Part one of the mission is to respond to the natural disasters of their state and country. Most everyone has heard of the National Guard going out and battling fires, helping general public deal with all aspects of the floods, tornadoes and civil unrest. In these situations the governor of the state, territories or district, places his province in a state of emergency. This allows him to control the National Guard until the crisis is exerted and in which case the National Guard is returned to its normal state as the protector of freedom and safety of their state and country. The second part of this mission is to†¦show more content†¦These operations included patrolling dikes, manning traffic control points, distributing and placing sandbags, performing emergency sandbagging operations, facilitating dike construction and working as QRF’s, Quick Re sponse Forces. These QRF’s were only called up a few times to assist with problems. One such time included helping a man whose home is located outside of the city of Kindred. The QRF assisted in a levee break near his home. Their successful mission resulted in not only saving his life but also saving his livestock. The QRF can be deployed state wide and at various times during the same disaster. Earlier in this same flood season they were called up to an emergency scene near the city of Harwood saving a lady who needed immediate assistance. . As the flood season winds its way down the National Guard will continue to watch the rivers in there state for ice jams and for more flooding. Major General Sprynczynatyk said, â€Å"The bottom line is whenever we’re called upon, the Guard will be ready, the Guard will be there,† [quote] and when Govern John Hoeven said â€Å"Our men and women in uniform help to make sure that whatever needs to get done gets done,â⠂¬  [quote] Commanders such as these bring a since of well being to communities and a since of pride to the National Guard soldier. [Cite] WarriorsShow MoreRelatedU.s. Army National Guard1606 Words   |  7 Pagesconstrained funding and the requirements of short-term national military objectives and longer term operations, the Army should balance the Total Force as follows: first, decrease the Active Component deployments and increase the Reserve Component, specifically the National Guard. Second, assign National Guard units to specific regions and/or missions so that their training can be focused on these conflicts. And third, increase the use of National Guard units to reduce active component use particularlyRead MoreThe National Guard Under The Framers Of Constitution897 Words   |  4 Pagesintentional role of the National Guard under the framers of Constitution. The National Guards role in the United States national security, and political scientist view on the National G uards relevance. It illustrates changes in how the National Guard has been used over the course of history and what events caused these changes. Finally, it gives insight to some of the adjustments that have been made in the use of the National Guard and are still in practice to date. The National Guard has changed tremendouslyRead MoreNational Guard1004 Words   |  5 PagesWhat is The Pennsylvania Army National Guard? The Pennsylvania Army National Guard is a branch of the United States Army that is mostly used today for homeland security. Although the National Guard is not active like the Reserves or Active Duty Army, they still have the same requirements and same responsibility. More than 22,000 men and women make up the Pennsylvania National Guard and Air National Guard today. They reach from state quarters at Fort Indian Town Gap in Lebanon County to aboutRead More national Guard Essay964 Words   |  4 Pages What is The Pennsylvania Army National Guard? nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The Pennsylvania Army National Guard is a branch of the United States Army that is mostly used today for homeland security. Although the National Guard is not active like the Reserves or Active Duty Army, they still have the same requirements and same responsibility. More than 22,000 men and women make up the Pennsylvania National Guard and Air National Guard today. They reach from state quarters at Fort Indian Town GapRead MoreThe Responsibilities Of The Governorship1406 Words   |  6 Pagesthe state. Since the United States has a federal system, multiple governments have the power to make decisions. The decisions made by one level of government often have a substantial impact on the other levels, which means it is vital to pay attention to what other levels of government (especially the national government) are doing. Thus, in addition to being key leaders within their states, governors are important actors outside their states as well. They represent the interests of the state to theRead MoreCareer Research Paper: Army National Guard1273 Words   |  6 PagesCareer Research Paper: Army National Guard The Army National Guard is a whole new way to serve. It s all about commitment to help communities in need. It s solid dedication to the country in war and in peace. They form an elite team that shares similar core values, convictions, and beliefs. To be in the National Guard can mean serving the country part-time, one weekend a month and two weeks a year as most Guard members serve. This is what makes them different from the other branches ofRead MoreDepartment of Homeland Security1073 Words   |  4 PagesDepartment of Homeland Security (DHS) is third largest Executive Department of the Federal Government charged with protecting the security of American homeland. Its primary mission is to prevent terrorist attacks within the United States, reducing vulnerability to terrorism and minimizing the damage from potential attacks and natural disasters. The DHS was created by President G.W. Bush in the aftermath of terrorist attacks on America in 2001. It is relatively new agency th at continues to evolveRead MoreAir Station Atlantic City ( Asac ) Shortage Of Personnel And Current Number Of Aircraft1533 Words   |  7 Pagesnumber of aircraft cannot support the National Capital Region and perform efficiently, at the same time, out of Air Station Atlantic City. The extreme cost, over tasking of personnel is a strain on members’ families is unbearable. A FOC must be based in the National Capital Region to support the Rotary Wing Air Intercept (RWAI) mission. 2. November 2005, DHS Secretary Chertoff assigned the Coast Guard to assume the National Capital Region Air Defense Mission. In 2006, Department of Homeland SecurityRead More Career Research Paper: Army National Guard1235 Words   |  5 Pages Career Research Paper: Army National Guard nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The Army National Guard is a whole new way to serve. It’s all about commitment to help communities in need. It’s solid dedication to the country in war and in peace. They form an elite team that shares similar core values, convictions, and beliefs. To be in the National Guard can mean serving the country part-time, one weekend a month and two weeks a year as most Guard members serve. This is what makes them different fromRead MoreThe Air National Guard And Part Of The 176th Wing1655 Words   |  7 PagesI am in the Air National Guard and part of the 176th Wing. The two primary missions of the 176th Wing are airlift and search and rescue (to include civil search and rescue). This includes federal missions as well as state missions. My organization does not seek a profit but we do have competitors for our airlift and search and rescue capabilities. According to Grant and Jordan (2012), an industry should focus on strategic management and focus on the competition and the goal of having a competitive

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Living a Purpose-Driven Life free essay sample

I understand that being successful in life means â€Å"to live life on purpose. † For me to live life with a specific purpose in mind, I must determine my values and set practical short and long-term goals. For me, family, money, and independence are most important. Because I know my weaknesses and am very familiar with some of the challenges ahead, I will create a plan to overcome them and successfully live with a purpose. Long- and Short-Term Goals To create my master plan for a purpose driven life, I must set attainable and measurable short and long-term goals. For example, I know that supporting a family or simply being self-sufficient requires money. In today’s world, a family of four can comfortably live off of approximately $50,000 a year. Therefore, one of my long-term goals is to make $50,000 or more a year. However, most companies hire people with experience as well as an education. We will write a custom essay sample on Living a Purpose-Driven Life or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Therefore, in the meanwhile, I must keep my job at Bi-Lo and look for internship opportunities in the field of my choice. Another one of my long-term goals is to purchase my first new car. Living in the country has taught me the importance of accessible and dependable transportation. Though some used vehicles can be very dependable, new cars can provide a level of convenience, safety, and comfort that older model vehicles do not. Without dependable transportation, retaining a profitable career will be very difficult. In addition, it will be difficult to transport family members around town on a bus. Still, I will need a sizable down payment on a new vehicle to make the monthly payments low enough to fit my budget. Consequently, I want to save at least $10,000 in the next ten years to buy the new car. Finally, neither of the first two long-term goals are achievable (in my opinion) without an education. Consequently, I need to at least obtain an Associates’ Degree. Without a college degree in a career that enables me to obtain a $50,000 a year income/salary, I will not be able to afford a family or a new car. Therefore, I must keep my scholarship to pay for school. This will allow me to save my money while attending school and save even more money once I graduate and find a career. Keeping my scholarship means passing with at least a 3. 0 GPA. This means I must study for test and complete assignments by the due date in every class. The Plan Going to school, working 3 – 4 days a week, and being responsible at home can be overwhelming. The lack of time and energy, my tendency to procrastinate, and a long-lasting battle with my personal disabilities have certainly posed problems for me in the past. Sometimes, I am so swamped with other responsibilities that it never seems to be enough time to complete all tasks. When I have the time, I may not have the energy. It can be difficult to concentrate on an assignment late at night. In addition, I am a procrastinator by nature. I tend to wait until the last minute to even review an assignment. Further, I have trouble comprehending what I read immediately. It may take reading the same paragraph a couple times before I completely understand major points. This can be very time consuming. However, all three challenges pose serious problems for me keeping my 3. 0 GPA and graduating with honors. There are at many techniques and strategies I found that may be useful in studying for test, completing projects, and working in a group setting. Because of my reading comprehension issues, there is one technique I think will help me the most. The technique is called â€Å"Getting Things Done† or GTD. This process helps me manage several tasks simultaneously and prioritize them according to their level of importance. The process keeps me from feeling overwhelmed with work to do. The techniques forces me to make decisions and take some sort of immediate action, which pushes the task toward completion. It seems the technique will address time management, procrastination, and take away some of the stress I feel from not being able to completely understand an assignment or reading material. Though the GTD technique will help with some of the issues I have, it will not eliminate the need for help from other resources or support persons. For example, I may still need assistance from the professor in clarifying his or her requests. I must be willing to ask him or her for help. Another person who can help me reach my goals is my academic counselor. He can give me insight on expectations and requirements of present and future classes within my curriculum. My mother is very supportive of me, and she graduated from college recently with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business. She can review and help edit my work. Conclusion My family cannot afford to pay for my education. That’s why it is vital to keep my scholarship if I plan to receive a good paying job. To keep a 3. 0 GPA and reach my goal of obtaining a college degree, I must overcome many obstacles and challenges. Going to school, working four days a week, and being a responsible family member can be difficult. However, using motivational strategies, new study techniques, and acquiring a true sense of determination and focus will certainly make the road to success much easier.

Monday, December 2, 2019

The protection of consumer welfare

Introduction The protection of consumer welfare is a critical government initiative. There are notable economic challenges associated with low income families. Therefore, policymakers must consider the implementation of workable economic strategies. This is vital in creating price and demand equilibriums (Arnold 2010, pp. 10).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The protection of consumer welfare specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In a typical economy, various consumers depict diverse preferences for various goods. It is vital to comprehend how policies have implications on the prevalent market trends. It is necessary to analyze the consumer behavior and preferences within specific economies. This paper presents a practical approach to policy implication on the purchasing trend within the market. The paper applies a hypothetical approach, with the analysis of the preference trend of goods X and Z. The Household Prefere nces over the Two Goods with Similar Policy Implications on the Household Items In Terms Of the Utility and Level of Consumption of the Two Goods Convex indifference curves are extensively used in the analysis of economic policies. In this scenario, the assumptions on the hypothetical goods are indicated. Good X is measured along the horizontal axis. On the other hand, good Z is measured along the vertical axis of the convex curve. The two policy options can be analyzed from the convex curve. The concept of â€Å"diminishing marginal utility† dictates the nature of the convex curve to be applied in the analysis (Fakhrul Islam Jabbar 2010, pp. 26). In establishing the appropriate household preference for the two goods, the rule of â€Å"diminishing marginal utility† may be applicable. The first policy advocates for the provision of the household with a voucher. The voucher is exchangeable for a specific quantity of the good X. Observably, the second proposition advocat es for the offering a supplement based on the income. This is to be sufficiently applied in buying the good of similar amount.Advertising Looking for essay on consumer law? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More A normal household consumption preference is applicable for the realization of equal policy effect (Mceachern 2012, pp. 34). This relates to the utility and level of the consumption of the two goods. Given the two goods, X and Z, the household is able to define its preference. Consequently, the household can arrange these preferences in an order. In this context, the preferences remain complete. The policies provide an equal stance and significance. The graph below indicates the action of normal household preference necessary for the equal action of both policies. (From Gilbert 2004) The Household Preferences over the Two Goods with Potentially Different Policy Implications on the Household Items In Terms Of the Utility and Level of Consumption of the Two Goods To achieve this aim, the transitivity preference of the household is applicable. An important assumption can be drawn from this association. The disparity indicates that there is more preference for a particular good (Schotter 2009, PP. 45). Therefore, it can be deduced that if X is preferred to Z, it is true that the household has a spatial preference. The transitivity preference condition is eminent in this association. The disparities on the impact of these two policies emanates from the differences in preference for the two goods, X and Z. When the household depicts a higher level of preference for a particular good, the other is likely to be diminished. Alternatively, the less preferred good may be supplied in fewer quantities in the market. The law of â€Å"diminishing marginal utility† may be applicable in explaining the variances in customer preferences (Feldman Serrano 2006, pp. 46).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The protection of consumer welfare specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Consequently, these have a potential impact on policy formulation. Policy makers recognize the importance of engaging public participation processes. There is a potential indication from a positive policy on the utility or consumption level of a specific good. The basic implication is that most consumers prefer to utilize goods that have most preferred qualities. It is assumed that the household may be satisfied with any policy advocating for a particular good or product. The graph below indicates the state of preference in which the consumers are better off. (From Gilbert 2004) Explanation of the Possibility of Occurrence of a Substitute Effect Associated With Either of the Above Policies Most markets are likely to experience a substitute effect. The impacts of substitute effects are always noticed in the demand of various goods. The effects of any transfo rmation within the price encourage the clients to choose a particular good. These clients are more likely to purchase a specific good. This trend may be due to its reduction in price. A consequent rise or increase in the price of goods is likely to cause a shift in the pattern of purchase (Mceachern 2009, pp. 59). There is bound to be an occurrence of a substitute effect within any market. Therefore, within any typical economy, the consumers are more likely to buy goods that retail at very low prices. The interaction of substitution and income effect may also play an important role in the development of substitution. The income of the household may shift. This is due to eminent economic factors within the entire market.Advertising Looking for essay on consumer law? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Basically, substitution effect refers to the transformation on the consumption trend. Substitution effect may entail the alteration in the utilization patterns. This occurs as a result of a change notable within relative prices of goods within the market. This trend can be noticed in the action of various customers or clients. This is always as a result of the eminent trends within the general market. There is an evident possibility of occurrence of a substitute for both of the products under context (Mceachern 2012, pp. 78). This can be due to several factors. There are several factors that might lead to the emergence of this pattern. In the present era, various elements play a significant role in consumer behavior and preference. Therefore, there is a high possibility of occurrence of a substitute effect. An Explanation Whether the Policies May Succeed At Both of the Goals Ideally, it is notable that these two policies are not likely to succeed at both of these goals. The competin g demand and supply are important factors within the general market. Ideally, there are many elements that determine the market equilibrium (Schotter 2009, PP. 71). It is imperative to note that the diverse factors associated with market patterns are critical. The variances observed in the household preference are critical. Particularly, this is in the determination of the success of the two policies. Market conditions within any economy are susceptible to both external and internal factors. These factors interact to alleviate the possibility of existence of a perfect market . Therefore, there is bound to be a state of disparity in the action of these two policies. The customer preferences are more likely to rule the market demand and supply trends. Apart from these, there are other external factors that may lead to the development of notable disparities. These include weather conditions, tastes, and prevailing fashion within a particular economy. Income is an important factor in th e determination of prevailing market trends. Generally, high or increased rate of income raises the demand schedule. Consequently, these have a positive impact on the level of supply. The equilibrium point denotes the critical point within any market. However, even in equilibrium states, customers have the capacity to identify themselves with trendy and valuable products. There are other approaches that might be applied. Introduction of new products with lower market prices is possible. This approach is likely to shift the focus of demand within the market (Mceachern 2012, pp. 112). Apart from this, there is a potential shift in the consumer interests within the general market. The introduction of the third good is likely to help in the shift in the basic centre of interest. The preference includes one of the vital factors that dictate the prevailing market conditions. The graph below indicates the likelihood of occurrence of a substitute effect between the two goods. Consequently, this has significant impact on the policies. (From Gilbert 2004) Calculation of the Firm’s Cost Minimizing Input Combination and the Corresponding Level of Minimum Cost It is supposed that the company is presently experiencing the conditions of a short-run. The firm also has a fixed level of K at 25 units. Therefore, the calculation of the firm’s minimizing input combination and the corresponding level of minimum cost is as follows: Production function = Q = K0.5L0.5 Q = K0.5L0.5  = (8 X 0.5) X (4 X 0.5)  = 2 X 4  = 8 Cost function TC = FC + VC FC = Q FC = K0.5 X L0.5 FC = 8 x 0.5 X 4 x 0.5  = 8 TC – 8 + 24  = 32 Cost minimization MC = MR (where MC represent marginal cost and MR represent marginal revenue) MC = change in TC/ change in Q TC = C X Q 25X4X8 = C X Q Q = 800 – C Q = (800 – C) C TC = 800C – C^2 MR = MC 800 – C^2 = 32 800 – 32 = 2C 768/2 = 2C/2 C = 384 (minimum cost) Q = 384 / 8  = 48 units (minimum u nits) Calculation of the Input Combination the Firm Will Use In The Long Run and the Corresponding Level of Minimum Cost Production function = Q = K0.5L0.5 Maximum units = 100 Labour cost =$ 8 Capital cost = $ 4 Total cost = 8Ãâ€"4 = 32 x 100 units  = $3200 Total produce under the cost function Q = K0.5 X L0.5  = 8 Minimum cost per unit = 3200/8  =$400 An Explanation Whether the Firm Can Experience Economies of Scale In The Long Run The firm may not experience superior economies of scale in the long run. Basically, this is due to the observable differences within the unit cost variations (Schotter 2009, PP. 115). Important lessons can be drawn from the various outcomes of the calculations. As shown, the minimum cost in the short run is $384. On the other hand, it is notable that the long run cost is $400. The obvious variances in these costs depict important lessons. Generally, there is an inferior match between the expenditure and the income. List of References Arnold, A 2 010, Economics, South-Western Cengage Learning, Australia. Fakhrul Islam, M Jabbar, A 2010, Consumer preferences and demand for livestock products in urban Bangladesh, International Livestock Research Institute, Nairobi, Kenya. Feldman, M Serrano, R 2006, Welfare economics and social choice theory, Springer, New York, NY. Gilbert, S 200, Microeconomic Theory, viewed on Mceachern, A 2009, Microeconomics: a contemporary introduction, Thomson/South-Western, Mason, OH. Mceachern, A 2012, Economics: a contemporary introduction, South-Western Cengage Learning, Mason, OH. Schotter, A 2009, Microeconomics: a modern approach, South-Western Cengage Learning, Mason, OH. This essay on The protection of consumer welfare was written and submitted by user Harry Osborn to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.