Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Journals And Letters Of Carl Smith Essay - 1200 Words

The Journals and Letters of Carl Smith March 8, 1769 My original name is Carl Smith but my friends call me CS. I’m 23 years old, I’m from Virginia and during the last years I have been traveling around the 13 colonies to fight the British soldiers. The reason why I joined the American Army over 6 Months ago is because I’m single, and I also was unable to get a job that I wanted was unable to receive my diploma, because I was unable to afford the stamp to be stamped on the certificate. I also joined the army because I was tired of all these decisions the British government took for us because we had no authority for example I was tired of the Kings’ unacceptable taxes over some items for example the stamp act. Soldiers are not professionals in modern English, for they might well first enter a military school or buy a commission... The stamp act was a tax put it to every official document, the list included Contracts, newspapers, and playing cards. Important people to colonies had to purchase these stamps. After all the sales the colony would take a good amount of money from all the stamps they sold. This new revenue was to collect money from the different colonies in the U.S. This tariff it was supposedly used to protect the British colonies, but in reality it was used to pay the national debt that the Seven Years war left to Great Britain . In consequence I decided to join the American Army, I have participated in The Stamp Act, The Boston Massacre, The army ofShow MoreRelatedThe Perkins Act1710 Words   |  7 PagesQUESTION #1: (2 points). The Perkins Act, now known as the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006, is one of the most influential legislations in Career and Technical education to date. Summarize the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006, including a brief introduction, benefits of the legislation, and the significance of the legislation. Contrary to what people might think, our education deserved some major changes in the ways technical education wasRead MoreBernie Madoff2651 Words   |  11 Pagescaught the perpetuator will have to face prosecution and / or repayment of all money to victims and possible jail / prison time or pay restitution to the government. In some cases there are assets seized to reimburse victims and pay restitution (Smith, 2011). Madoff committed this fraud by luring and convincing his victims that he would guarantee one a double digit return. He consistently provided a return by his endless supply of victims according to Madoff at one point you were the outcastRead MoreBernard Lawrence Madoff: Con Man1630 Words   |  6 Pagesaccount to her personal account in order to have cash just in case he needed it for his investors. Soon after that, his investors demanded a return of $7 billion. Obviously, this $15.5 million comes nowhere close to the money needed for his investors. Carl Shaprio, one of Madoff’s loyal investors, invested $250 million to try to bail out Madoff’s firm. It still wasn’t enough. Madoff was out of ideas and decided to confess his entire crime to his two sons, Mark and Andy Madoff. They went straight to theirRead MoreStyles and Themes of Samuel Richardson3736 Words   |  15 PagesStyles and Themes of Samuel Richardson Samuel Richardson wrote his novels using the epistolary novel style, in which all the books are made up of letters. These letters are meant to be written during the time that the stories take place by the main character. They either described a scene or dialogue within the scene (Brophy 245). The stories used the themes of female dominance over the emotions of a man, and male dominance over the physicality of a woman. Also, many women in his stories areRead MoreRestructuring at Marvel8331 Words   |  34 Pagesinvesting $365 million in exchange for 427 million newly issued shares. Perelman would then own 80% of the reorganized company’s equity while public debtholders would receive 15% of the equity in exchange for debt with a face value of $894 million. Carl Icahn, one of the many â€Å"vulture investors† who had purchased deeply discounted Marvel bonds with the hope of profiting on the reorganization, considered Perelman’s plan an â€Å"unconscionable att empt to maintain control of Marvel at all costs† and wasRead MoreBernie Madoff Case Study4737 Words   |  19 Pagesrelationship† with Madoff. The Ponzi scheme was named after Charles Ponzi who in the early 20th Century, saw a way to profit from international reply coupons. International reply coupons were a guarantee of return postage in response to an international letter. Charles Ponzi determined that he could make money, legally, by swapping out these coupons for more expensive postage stamps in countries where the stamps were of higher value. While making a significant profit with this system, Ponzi got the ideaRead MoreEssay on Jungian Psychology and Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness6193 Words   |  25 Pagesthe horrors of its savage embrace had, in 1890, lured Conrad himself into adventure that turned him from sailor to writer (Smith, 25) and severely effected his health for the rest of his life (Conrad,v). As the voyage up the Congo proved fateful f or the development of Conrad’s narrator, Marlow, it was equally fateful for Conrad’s individuation, as he reflects in his letters â€Å"Before the Congo I was just a mere animal.† (Jean-Aubrey, 141) Hillman, in â€Å"Notes on White Supremacy† reminds us that,Read MoreEssay about The Roanoke Colony3826 Words   |  16 Pagesgo beyond; the next day they departed. They left Roanoke Island and started inhabiting in the Chesapeake Bay. They built rafts or a boat of some sort using resources tattered apart from their homes. Close to twenty years had passed before John Smith and his assembly started the well-known colony of Jamestown (where the popular story of Pocahontas takes place). This colony was close to the Chesapeake Bay. Some evidence in this is that the leader of the natives did certainly confess to killing theRead MoreLiterature And Literature : The Novel One Of The Most Interesting And Significant Expression Of Humanity 1854 Words   |  8 Pagessignificant expression of Humanity - Literature† Literature is the art of written work that is produced by the writers. It reflects about us and our society. The term Literature is derived from Latin - Literatura which means that a writing formed with letters. Literature is a term indicated all books and writing. . . Literature has many genres such as Poem, Drama, Novel, and short story.The novel is one of the genres of fiction. The term Novel is derived from Italian word â€Å"Novella†. The novella was aRead MoreGeorge Washington4952 Words   |  20 PagesWaging War with Honor†, American History, Vol 44 Issue 6, (February 2010): 30-35, 6 pp. 16. Raphael, â€Å"George Washington’s Five Rules for Waging War with Honor†, page 35. 17. Raphael, page 35. 18. Carl LaVO, â€Å"Showdown on the Delaware†, Naval History 23, no. 6 (December 2009): 66. 19. Carl LaVO, â€Å"Showdown on the Delaware†, 66. 20. Cunliffe, page 93. 21. John R. Alden, A History of the American Revolution (Alfred A. Knopf: New York, 1969), pp 457-76. 22. Alden, A History of the

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

State Mission of the National Guard Essay - 2399 Words

Along with deployments over seas the National Guard has state mission. These state missions comprise of multiple parts. Part one of the mission is to respond to the natural disasters of their state and country. Most everyone has heard of the National Guard going out and battling fires, helping general public deal with all aspects of the floods, tornadoes and civil unrest. In these situations the governor of the state, territories or district, places his province in a state of emergency. This allows him to control the National Guard until the crisis is exerted and in which case the National Guard is returned to its normal state as the protector of freedom and safety of their state and country. The second part of this mission is to†¦show more content†¦These operations included patrolling dikes, manning traffic control points, distributing and placing sandbags, performing emergency sandbagging operations, facilitating dike construction and working as QRF’s, Quick Re sponse Forces. These QRF’s were only called up a few times to assist with problems. One such time included helping a man whose home is located outside of the city of Kindred. The QRF assisted in a levee break near his home. Their successful mission resulted in not only saving his life but also saving his livestock. The QRF can be deployed state wide and at various times during the same disaster. Earlier in this same flood season they were called up to an emergency scene near the city of Harwood saving a lady who needed immediate assistance. . As the flood season winds its way down the National Guard will continue to watch the rivers in there state for ice jams and for more flooding. Major General Sprynczynatyk said, â€Å"The bottom line is whenever we’re called upon, the Guard will be ready, the Guard will be there,† [quote] and when Govern John Hoeven said â€Å"Our men and women in uniform help to make sure that whatever needs to get done gets done,â⠂¬  [quote] Commanders such as these bring a since of well being to communities and a since of pride to the National Guard soldier. [Cite] WarriorsShow MoreRelatedU.s. Army National Guard1606 Words   |  7 Pagesconstrained funding and the requirements of short-term national military objectives and longer term operations, the Army should balance the Total Force as follows: first, decrease the Active Component deployments and increase the Reserve Component, specifically the National Guard. Second, assign National Guard units to specific regions and/or missions so that their training can be focused on these conflicts. And third, increase the use of National Guard units to reduce active component use particularlyRead MoreThe National Guard Under The Framers Of Constitution897 Words   |  4 Pagesintentional role of the National Guard under the framers of Constitution. The National Guards role in the United States national security, and political scientist view on the National G uards relevance. It illustrates changes in how the National Guard has been used over the course of history and what events caused these changes. Finally, it gives insight to some of the adjustments that have been made in the use of the National Guard and are still in practice to date. The National Guard has changed tremendouslyRead MoreNational Guard1004 Words   |  5 PagesWhat is The Pennsylvania Army National Guard? The Pennsylvania Army National Guard is a branch of the United States Army that is mostly used today for homeland security. Although the National Guard is not active like the Reserves or Active Duty Army, they still have the same requirements and same responsibility. More than 22,000 men and women make up the Pennsylvania National Guard and Air National Guard today. They reach from state quarters at Fort Indian Town Gap in Lebanon County to aboutRead More national Guard Essay964 Words   |  4 Pages What is The Pennsylvania Army National Guard? nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The Pennsylvania Army National Guard is a branch of the United States Army that is mostly used today for homeland security. Although the National Guard is not active like the Reserves or Active Duty Army, they still have the same requirements and same responsibility. More than 22,000 men and women make up the Pennsylvania National Guard and Air National Guard today. They reach from state quarters at Fort Indian Town GapRead MoreThe Responsibilities Of The Governorship1406 Words   |  6 Pagesthe state. Since the United States has a federal system, multiple governments have the power to make decisions. The decisions made by one level of government often have a substantial impact on the other levels, which means it is vital to pay attention to what other levels of government (especially the national government) are doing. Thus, in addition to being key leaders within their states, governors are important actors outside their states as well. They represent the interests of the state to theRead MoreCareer Research Paper: Army National Guard1273 Words   |  6 PagesCareer Research Paper: Army National Guard The Army National Guard is a whole new way to serve. It s all about commitment to help communities in need. It s solid dedication to the country in war and in peace. They form an elite team that shares similar core values, convictions, and beliefs. To be in the National Guard can mean serving the country part-time, one weekend a month and two weeks a year as most Guard members serve. This is what makes them different from the other branches ofRead MoreDepartment of Homeland Security1073 Words   |  4 PagesDepartment of Homeland Security (DHS) is third largest Executive Department of the Federal Government charged with protecting the security of American homeland. Its primary mission is to prevent terrorist attacks within the United States, reducing vulnerability to terrorism and minimizing the damage from potential attacks and natural disasters. The DHS was created by President G.W. Bush in the aftermath of terrorist attacks on America in 2001. It is relatively new agency th at continues to evolveRead MoreAir Station Atlantic City ( Asac ) Shortage Of Personnel And Current Number Of Aircraft1533 Words   |  7 Pagesnumber of aircraft cannot support the National Capital Region and perform efficiently, at the same time, out of Air Station Atlantic City. The extreme cost, over tasking of personnel is a strain on members’ families is unbearable. A FOC must be based in the National Capital Region to support the Rotary Wing Air Intercept (RWAI) mission. 2. November 2005, DHS Secretary Chertoff assigned the Coast Guard to assume the National Capital Region Air Defense Mission. In 2006, Department of Homeland SecurityRead More Career Research Paper: Army National Guard1235 Words   |  5 Pages Career Research Paper: Army National Guard nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The Army National Guard is a whole new way to serve. It’s all about commitment to help communities in need. It’s solid dedication to the country in war and in peace. They form an elite team that shares similar core values, convictions, and beliefs. To be in the National Guard can mean serving the country part-time, one weekend a month and two weeks a year as most Guard members serve. This is what makes them different fromRead MoreThe Air National Guard And Part Of The 176th Wing1655 Words   |  7 PagesI am in the Air National Guard and part of the 176th Wing. The two primary missions of the 176th Wing are airlift and search and rescue (to include civil search and rescue). This includes federal missions as well as state missions. My organization does not seek a profit but we do have competitors for our airlift and search and rescue capabilities. According to Grant and Jordan (2012), an industry should focus on strategic management and focus on the competition and the goal of having a competitive

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Living a Purpose-Driven Life free essay sample

I understand that being successful in life means â€Å"to live life on purpose. † For me to live life with a specific purpose in mind, I must determine my values and set practical short and long-term goals. For me, family, money, and independence are most important. Because I know my weaknesses and am very familiar with some of the challenges ahead, I will create a plan to overcome them and successfully live with a purpose. Long- and Short-Term Goals To create my master plan for a purpose driven life, I must set attainable and measurable short and long-term goals. For example, I know that supporting a family or simply being self-sufficient requires money. In today’s world, a family of four can comfortably live off of approximately $50,000 a year. Therefore, one of my long-term goals is to make $50,000 or more a year. However, most companies hire people with experience as well as an education. We will write a custom essay sample on Living a Purpose-Driven Life or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Therefore, in the meanwhile, I must keep my job at Bi-Lo and look for internship opportunities in the field of my choice. Another one of my long-term goals is to purchase my first new car. Living in the country has taught me the importance of accessible and dependable transportation. Though some used vehicles can be very dependable, new cars can provide a level of convenience, safety, and comfort that older model vehicles do not. Without dependable transportation, retaining a profitable career will be very difficult. In addition, it will be difficult to transport family members around town on a bus. Still, I will need a sizable down payment on a new vehicle to make the monthly payments low enough to fit my budget. Consequently, I want to save at least $10,000 in the next ten years to buy the new car. Finally, neither of the first two long-term goals are achievable (in my opinion) without an education. Consequently, I need to at least obtain an Associates’ Degree. Without a college degree in a career that enables me to obtain a $50,000 a year income/salary, I will not be able to afford a family or a new car. Therefore, I must keep my scholarship to pay for school. This will allow me to save my money while attending school and save even more money once I graduate and find a career. Keeping my scholarship means passing with at least a 3. 0 GPA. This means I must study for test and complete assignments by the due date in every class. The Plan Going to school, working 3 – 4 days a week, and being responsible at home can be overwhelming. The lack of time and energy, my tendency to procrastinate, and a long-lasting battle with my personal disabilities have certainly posed problems for me in the past. Sometimes, I am so swamped with other responsibilities that it never seems to be enough time to complete all tasks. When I have the time, I may not have the energy. It can be difficult to concentrate on an assignment late at night. In addition, I am a procrastinator by nature. I tend to wait until the last minute to even review an assignment. Further, I have trouble comprehending what I read immediately. It may take reading the same paragraph a couple times before I completely understand major points. This can be very time consuming. However, all three challenges pose serious problems for me keeping my 3. 0 GPA and graduating with honors. There are at many techniques and strategies I found that may be useful in studying for test, completing projects, and working in a group setting. Because of my reading comprehension issues, there is one technique I think will help me the most. The technique is called â€Å"Getting Things Done† or GTD. This process helps me manage several tasks simultaneously and prioritize them according to their level of importance. The process keeps me from feeling overwhelmed with work to do. The techniques forces me to make decisions and take some sort of immediate action, which pushes the task toward completion. It seems the technique will address time management, procrastination, and take away some of the stress I feel from not being able to completely understand an assignment or reading material. Though the GTD technique will help with some of the issues I have, it will not eliminate the need for help from other resources or support persons. For example, I may still need assistance from the professor in clarifying his or her requests. I must be willing to ask him or her for help. Another person who can help me reach my goals is my academic counselor. He can give me insight on expectations and requirements of present and future classes within my curriculum. My mother is very supportive of me, and she graduated from college recently with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business. She can review and help edit my work. Conclusion My family cannot afford to pay for my education. That’s why it is vital to keep my scholarship if I plan to receive a good paying job. To keep a 3. 0 GPA and reach my goal of obtaining a college degree, I must overcome many obstacles and challenges. Going to school, working four days a week, and being a responsible family member can be difficult. However, using motivational strategies, new study techniques, and acquiring a true sense of determination and focus will certainly make the road to success much easier.

Monday, December 2, 2019

The protection of consumer welfare

Introduction The protection of consumer welfare is a critical government initiative. There are notable economic challenges associated with low income families. Therefore, policymakers must consider the implementation of workable economic strategies. This is vital in creating price and demand equilibriums (Arnold 2010, pp. 10).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The protection of consumer welfare specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In a typical economy, various consumers depict diverse preferences for various goods. It is vital to comprehend how policies have implications on the prevalent market trends. It is necessary to analyze the consumer behavior and preferences within specific economies. This paper presents a practical approach to policy implication on the purchasing trend within the market. The paper applies a hypothetical approach, with the analysis of the preference trend of goods X and Z. The Household Prefere nces over the Two Goods with Similar Policy Implications on the Household Items In Terms Of the Utility and Level of Consumption of the Two Goods Convex indifference curves are extensively used in the analysis of economic policies. In this scenario, the assumptions on the hypothetical goods are indicated. Good X is measured along the horizontal axis. On the other hand, good Z is measured along the vertical axis of the convex curve. The two policy options can be analyzed from the convex curve. The concept of â€Å"diminishing marginal utility† dictates the nature of the convex curve to be applied in the analysis (Fakhrul Islam Jabbar 2010, pp. 26). In establishing the appropriate household preference for the two goods, the rule of â€Å"diminishing marginal utility† may be applicable. The first policy advocates for the provision of the household with a voucher. The voucher is exchangeable for a specific quantity of the good X. Observably, the second proposition advocat es for the offering a supplement based on the income. This is to be sufficiently applied in buying the good of similar amount.Advertising Looking for essay on consumer law? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More A normal household consumption preference is applicable for the realization of equal policy effect (Mceachern 2012, pp. 34). This relates to the utility and level of the consumption of the two goods. Given the two goods, X and Z, the household is able to define its preference. Consequently, the household can arrange these preferences in an order. In this context, the preferences remain complete. The policies provide an equal stance and significance. The graph below indicates the action of normal household preference necessary for the equal action of both policies. (From Gilbert 2004) The Household Preferences over the Two Goods with Potentially Different Policy Implications on the Household Items In Terms Of the Utility and Level of Consumption of the Two Goods To achieve this aim, the transitivity preference of the household is applicable. An important assumption can be drawn from this association. The disparity indicates that there is more preference for a particular good (Schotter 2009, PP. 45). Therefore, it can be deduced that if X is preferred to Z, it is true that the household has a spatial preference. The transitivity preference condition is eminent in this association. The disparities on the impact of these two policies emanates from the differences in preference for the two goods, X and Z. When the household depicts a higher level of preference for a particular good, the other is likely to be diminished. Alternatively, the less preferred good may be supplied in fewer quantities in the market. The law of â€Å"diminishing marginal utility† may be applicable in explaining the variances in customer preferences (Feldman Serrano 2006, pp. 46).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The protection of consumer welfare specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Consequently, these have a potential impact on policy formulation. Policy makers recognize the importance of engaging public participation processes. There is a potential indication from a positive policy on the utility or consumption level of a specific good. The basic implication is that most consumers prefer to utilize goods that have most preferred qualities. It is assumed that the household may be satisfied with any policy advocating for a particular good or product. The graph below indicates the state of preference in which the consumers are better off. (From Gilbert 2004) Explanation of the Possibility of Occurrence of a Substitute Effect Associated With Either of the Above Policies Most markets are likely to experience a substitute effect. The impacts of substitute effects are always noticed in the demand of various goods. The effects of any transfo rmation within the price encourage the clients to choose a particular good. These clients are more likely to purchase a specific good. This trend may be due to its reduction in price. A consequent rise or increase in the price of goods is likely to cause a shift in the pattern of purchase (Mceachern 2009, pp. 59). There is bound to be an occurrence of a substitute effect within any market. Therefore, within any typical economy, the consumers are more likely to buy goods that retail at very low prices. The interaction of substitution and income effect may also play an important role in the development of substitution. The income of the household may shift. This is due to eminent economic factors within the entire market.Advertising Looking for essay on consumer law? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Basically, substitution effect refers to the transformation on the consumption trend. Substitution effect may entail the alteration in the utilization patterns. This occurs as a result of a change notable within relative prices of goods within the market. This trend can be noticed in the action of various customers or clients. This is always as a result of the eminent trends within the general market. There is an evident possibility of occurrence of a substitute for both of the products under context (Mceachern 2012, pp. 78). This can be due to several factors. There are several factors that might lead to the emergence of this pattern. In the present era, various elements play a significant role in consumer behavior and preference. Therefore, there is a high possibility of occurrence of a substitute effect. An Explanation Whether the Policies May Succeed At Both of the Goals Ideally, it is notable that these two policies are not likely to succeed at both of these goals. The competin g demand and supply are important factors within the general market. Ideally, there are many elements that determine the market equilibrium (Schotter 2009, PP. 71). It is imperative to note that the diverse factors associated with market patterns are critical. The variances observed in the household preference are critical. Particularly, this is in the determination of the success of the two policies. Market conditions within any economy are susceptible to both external and internal factors. These factors interact to alleviate the possibility of existence of a perfect market . Therefore, there is bound to be a state of disparity in the action of these two policies. The customer preferences are more likely to rule the market demand and supply trends. Apart from these, there are other external factors that may lead to the development of notable disparities. These include weather conditions, tastes, and prevailing fashion within a particular economy. Income is an important factor in th e determination of prevailing market trends. Generally, high or increased rate of income raises the demand schedule. Consequently, these have a positive impact on the level of supply. The equilibrium point denotes the critical point within any market. However, even in equilibrium states, customers have the capacity to identify themselves with trendy and valuable products. There are other approaches that might be applied. Introduction of new products with lower market prices is possible. This approach is likely to shift the focus of demand within the market (Mceachern 2012, pp. 112). Apart from this, there is a potential shift in the consumer interests within the general market. The introduction of the third good is likely to help in the shift in the basic centre of interest. The preference includes one of the vital factors that dictate the prevailing market conditions. The graph below indicates the likelihood of occurrence of a substitute effect between the two goods. Consequently, this has significant impact on the policies. (From Gilbert 2004) Calculation of the Firm’s Cost Minimizing Input Combination and the Corresponding Level of Minimum Cost It is supposed that the company is presently experiencing the conditions of a short-run. The firm also has a fixed level of K at 25 units. Therefore, the calculation of the firm’s minimizing input combination and the corresponding level of minimum cost is as follows: Production function = Q = K0.5L0.5 Q = K0.5L0.5  = (8 X 0.5) X (4 X 0.5)  = 2 X 4  = 8 Cost function TC = FC + VC FC = Q FC = K0.5 X L0.5 FC = 8 x 0.5 X 4 x 0.5  = 8 TC – 8 + 24  = 32 Cost minimization MC = MR (where MC represent marginal cost and MR represent marginal revenue) MC = change in TC/ change in Q TC = C X Q 25X4X8 = C X Q Q = 800 – C Q = (800 – C) C TC = 800C – C^2 MR = MC 800 – C^2 = 32 800 – 32 = 2C 768/2 = 2C/2 C = 384 (minimum cost) Q = 384 / 8  = 48 units (minimum u nits) Calculation of the Input Combination the Firm Will Use In The Long Run and the Corresponding Level of Minimum Cost Production function = Q = K0.5L0.5 Maximum units = 100 Labour cost =$ 8 Capital cost = $ 4 Total cost = 8Ãâ€"4 = 32 x 100 units  = $3200 Total produce under the cost function Q = K0.5 X L0.5  = 8 Minimum cost per unit = 3200/8  =$400 An Explanation Whether the Firm Can Experience Economies of Scale In The Long Run The firm may not experience superior economies of scale in the long run. Basically, this is due to the observable differences within the unit cost variations (Schotter 2009, PP. 115). Important lessons can be drawn from the various outcomes of the calculations. As shown, the minimum cost in the short run is $384. On the other hand, it is notable that the long run cost is $400. The obvious variances in these costs depict important lessons. Generally, there is an inferior match between the expenditure and the income. List of References Arnold, A 2 010, Economics, South-Western Cengage Learning, Australia. Fakhrul Islam, M Jabbar, A 2010, Consumer preferences and demand for livestock products in urban Bangladesh, International Livestock Research Institute, Nairobi, Kenya. Feldman, M Serrano, R 2006, Welfare economics and social choice theory, Springer, New York, NY. Gilbert, S 200, Microeconomic Theory, viewed on Mceachern, A 2009, Microeconomics: a contemporary introduction, Thomson/South-Western, Mason, OH. Mceachern, A 2012, Economics: a contemporary introduction, South-Western Cengage Learning, Mason, OH. Schotter, A 2009, Microeconomics: a modern approach, South-Western Cengage Learning, Mason, OH. This essay on The protection of consumer welfare was written and submitted by user Harry Osborn to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

SAT Summer Prep Programs Should You Join

SAT Summer Prep Programs Should You Join SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips What are SAT Prep Summer Programs and should you use them? There are a lot of variations in SAT summer programs and the hours of study they offer.Other than time, the greatest variation in SAT summer programs is through price. There are commercial and noncommerical options and they vary by price and hours offered, as well as the material used. No matter the course, a good program will offer at least once a week test. Advantages and disadvantages to a summer only program On the one hand you might find it easier to focus on only one thing during the summer, so a summer prep program might seem ideal. However, you might already be drained from a long and difficult school year and just want a break.A summer camp environment and attitude can alsobe distracting, and you might not learn as much as you would have withalternative methods. If you are set on a summer camp though, you should check out our article on SAT summer camps. Moreover, since its summer, you may feel youhave time for intensive study and put in many hours. But, you might find that you end up putting in too many hours and burn yourselfout by the time the test comes around.In the end, many find that an hour or two every day over a longer period of time is much more manageable than the 6-8 hours per day that might be required from an official SAT boot camp BUT! You don't need to do an SAT summer boot camp for intensive study While an SAT summer camp or boot camp is good for forcing you to invest a lot of time into SAT prep, you don't need a boot camp for intensive study. And when you put in a lot of hours, then your scores will improve, regardless of where you do it. But keep in mind that just because you can, doens't mean you should!While you may be able to concentrate more hours in the summer, some students may find this overwhelming. For them, it may be better to spread out any studying over a longer period of time. What are the alternatives? Online SAT prep: allows you to set the schedule, costs significantly less and lets you move at a pace comfortable for you, while also allowing for specialized instruction Either online or local, individual SAT prep with a tutor: this would give you personal attention but also be much more affordable than an SAT summer camp. Tutors will test you on your weaknesses and guide your study, but they are mainly a supplement to more extensive study on your own time. Studying on your own: with proper strategies, even studying on your own can be as effective, and far more cost friendly. You can find plenty of online resources that can guide your self study. If you are thinking of self study, plan to set aside at least one week to preparing a course of study for your summer. And then, follow it. Use the free resources at PrepScholar to help you plan out your SAT summer self study.Check out our links on the side or at the bottom of this article to get you started. Or start a free trial at our program, designed to tailor sat prep to your needs, right in your own home. What are the disadvantages of self study? Self study can be inexpensive and flexible, and it can fit to any schedule. However, it can be difficult to maintain discipline on your own and not everyone can do it. First, you will need to analyze your own performance objectively and not everyone can do that easily. Second, you will need to maintain a strict schedule with no outside supervision. Lastly, you will need to research and select the study material on your own, which may take time that you don't have. How to tailor an online program to the summer? If you plan to study during the summer, then the smartest things you can do is to maximize the hours you devote to study so that you won't have to worry about this during the school year. Since you can now devote hours at a time, you should use that time to do plenty of practice tests! The more practice tests you do, the greater the improvement in scores you will see.If its feasible, you can study just four hours every weekday and still study upto 20 hours a week, which is as good as many summer programs.Then,if you find that you have four spare hours - optimize that time. Do a timed practice test! It will make you more familiar with the test and allow your brain to further familiarize itself with the question types. What’s Next? Check out our other article on SAT Summer ideas- Should you really join a SAT Summer Camp?or our 5 Step SAT/ACT Test Dates and Study Plan for Summer before Senior Year. For those interested, check out our article on Summer Institutes for the Gifted. If you scored a 2200 or above on your recent SATs, then consider whether you need to retake it! Want to improve your SAT score by 240 points?We've written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Seat belts essays

Seat belts essays As Americans, we love our freedoms. Our country was founded on the right to choose all sorts of things, including how to worship, what to say, and what to read. However, the Supreme Court ruled a long time ago that one person's freedom ends when expressing that freedom puts others in harm's way, so we can't yell "FIRE!" in a crowded movie theater just to get a Obviously it is a bad idea to create a panicked stampede in a crowded movie theater for no reason, but other actions affect others as well. Recently the voters of Massachusetts refused to pass a law requiring people in cars to wear seat belts, viewing it as an infringement on free choice. Without laws, our society would not function well. If it were legal to sneak into stores and steal money from the cash register, more people would probably do it, eventually causing a rise in prices that would hurt everyone and not just the person robbed. I believe that not using seat belts has a hidden effect on others as well. In an accident, people who do not use seat and shoulder belts are more likely to be seriously injured. If the driver of the car is insured, the insurance company will have to pay for the needed medical care. If the person's health care pays, then that insurance company will have to pay raising insurance rates for all. If neither the car nor the person were insured, then the public will end up People can choose to act recklessly until it affects other people. Seat belts save money as well as lives, and we should not all have to have our insurance rates or public expenditures on health care rise unnecessarily because some made a personal choice. ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Paraphrasing 850 words Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Paraphrasing 850 words - Essay Example This research method belongs to the category of qualitative research and lacks proper methodology and the methods involved in carrying out a case study research does not make the outcome of the research obvious to the researcher (Wilkinson, 2003). Researchers argue that the case study based research involves other research methods that are qualitative in nature and are used for performing research regarding a phenomenon or sociological imperative. In the field of business, researches are based on both the qualitative as well as the quantitative methods in order to develop an in-depth analysis of organizations (Yin, 2003). In case study research the methodology used includes those techniques that have already been used in performing investigations on phenomenon that are related to the field of social sciences. This research method helps researchers in collecting as well as analyzing and reporting of information and data in a systematic manner (Wilkinson, 2003). By conducting a case study based research the researcher is able to identify why a particular event took place and this will be helpful in conducting further research (Creswell, 2007). Researchers even believe that in this form of research the method used for the purpose of analysis is of utmost importance because in this method the focus is not only on human beings as well as teams, the focus is even on the procedure through which actions are conducted. When case study method is used it is essential to focus on a couple of issues while understanding the system that is being scrutinized (Creswell & Plano, 2007). While conducting the study the questions that were used for interviewing were tested for content as well as face validity. This was essential to identify whether the questions were effective in directing the process of the study. These questions were tested for content validity to obtain a sample of the various behaviors that were represented by

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Unit 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Unit 2 - Assignment Example They should avoid open-toed shoes and sandals. Open shoes present hazards due to encounter with fluids or heavy or sharp dropping items. Women should be in hosiery or socks while men should wear socks. The female skirts should be knee length or longer. Exposing their chests because of low cut pants is inappropriate. Males are better in official trousers and shirts than in t-shirts (VCU 2012) A medical professional should be learned and be in possession of a degree from a technical or vocational school, or community college. The specifics of a medical professional depend on the position one seeks and the program attended. A professional must be accountable to the society and the patients on issues regarding health. A medical professional is responsive and available any time as a way accepting the commitment to the service. The professional respects other people be it patients, families, or other medical staffs. Finally, one must be committed to being fair, straightforward, and truthful while interacting with other people within the profession (Jonsen 2013). As a professional, my actions and decisions serve the welfare of others even at my own costs. I observe the code of ethics that specifies the obligations to my duties. I exercise good judgments, complete my responsibilities, and develop sensitive, mature and effective relationships with others. I respect other people, be it residents, medical students, or team members. My dress code is always smart whether in official or casual wears. I also remain truthful to my words while communicating with other

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The strength of Ammonia Double Essay Example for Free

The strength of Ammonia Double Essay In this investigation I am trying to find out if doubling the strength of ammonia doubles the rate of its diffusion. There are a few factors that may have an effect on the results of this investigation. For example, the size of the test tube, the distances between each piece of litmus paper and the amount of ammonia on the wool. The longer or wider the test tube the more time it will take for the ammonia molecules to diffuse along the tube which would increase the time on the results table. A similar principle would apply to the distance between litmus papers. The ammonia is most likely to reach the litmus paper closest to it first and then to the second as it will take more time for the ammonia molecules to diffuse across the tube. Also each time the ammonia is applied to the wool it must be the same amount for every test carried out, otherwise the test would be unfair. This is because the amount of ammonia affects the speed at which the molecules travel. If too much ammonia is applied then the molecules would move faster along the tube, but if there is less ammonia the molecules would move slowly down the tube. Three additional things that affect the rate of diffusion of the ammonia include molecular size, temperature and the concentration of the ammonia. My investigation is aimed at discovering the effects of doubling the strength (concentration) of ammonia on the rate of diffusion. I think increasing the concentration of ammonia will decrease the amount of time it will take for the litmus paper to turn blue i. e. diffusion will be faster. However, decreasing the concentration of ammonia will increase the amount of time it will take for the litmus paper to turn blue i.e. diffusion will be slower. Doubling the strength of ammonia could have an effect on the rate of diffusion because it doubles the number of molecules, which collide more. Consequently, the particles in a gas will spread out and thus have greater space to move around more quickly and easily. This is how ammonia particles will look in the form of a gas as they collide and spread: To make this investigation a fair test, I am going to space out the litmus papers but not too far apart and evenly spread out each of the seven litmus papers I intend to use. I will also use the same volume of ammonia to make it a fair test each time. The concentration will, however, gradually be doubled. I will start with 0. 5% double it to 1%, 2% and finally 4%. To carry out this experiment using a stopwatch to measure how long it takes for each red litmus paper to turn blue. I will take 1 reading every time a litmus paper changes colour, which will result in 7 readings for every test. Then I will obtain the results taken by two other people in my team and average them out by adding the results up and dividing by 3. This will give me a reliable answer as to how long it took for each of the seven litmus papers to turn from red to blue. So the number of tests to be performed in total is 3 and so by multiplying 3 with 7 will equal 21 results being taken from 21 litmus papers changing colour. These results will be taken in seconds but I shall convert any that are given in minutes by the stopwatch, into seconds. OBTAINING EVIDENCE The table below show my results: The Concentration Of Ammonia Litmus paper no  To perform this experiment safely it was necessary that we wore goggles and used tongs to pick up the cotton wool that had ammonia on it. ANALYSING RESULTS/DRAW CONCLUSION I have drawn a graph on a piece of graph paper to show the pattern in my results. The pattern shows that as you double the concentration of ammonia, the quicker it takes to change colour from red to blue. This is because, as I had predicted, increasing the concentration also increases the number of molecules, which collide more. Consequently, the ammonia molecules spread out to make greater space to move around more quickly and easily. EVALUATING. The experiment appears to have been successful as I acted according to my plans and achieved the results I had expected. My results could be improved by carrying out the tests a few more times, in order to achieve more accurate results. I can conclude from my results that doubling the strength of ammonia doubles the rate of its diffusion. A pattern in my results also showed that a as you double the concentration of ammonia, the average time is twice as less. However, this pattern was not apparent when I increased the concentration of ammonia from 0. 5% to 1%. On that occasion it seems that the time had reduced by more than just a half. The reduction in time was usually approximately by half, but by drawing a line of best fit through my graph, it can be said that doubling the concentration of ammonia does double the rate of diffusion. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Patterns of Behaviour section. Download this essay Print Save Not the one? .

Friday, November 15, 2019

Kaleidoscopes of Light: Reflecting on Namibian Faith and Culture :: Essays Papers

Kaleidoscopes of Light: Reflecting on Namibian Faith and Culture In this illuminating semester in Southern Africa, my Christian beliefs have been colored with light from kaleidoscopes of cultures and people. I have been heavily challenged, strengthened anew, and turned on my head more than once. Perhaps most explicitly, I have learned about the role of religion in social change in Namibia, from study in this course, in visiting eight different churches over the course of three months, and in building relationships with inspiring Namibians. As I prepare to make my return journey home, I wonder if I will be prepared to share and describe what religious frustrations and exaltations of faith have filled my days. I wonder if my spiritual curiosity will continue to refine and deepen my appreciation for the meaning of Christianity in my life, especially as I return to work in a Christian summer camp in Montana. I wish I could say that the message of unconditional love cradled in the scripture of my faith has struck me anew during my time here. But my experiences have filled me with more spiritual questions and concerns than answers of affirmation. This is adventuresome and stimulating, to say the least, and I am glad for the challenge provided here; faith should never be a docile and lame journey of life. Throughout our religious classes this semester, meeting religious leaders and human rights activists has fueled my understanding of the meaning of Christianity. In lectures from community leaders, pastors and counselors, our class discussions bore witness to Christianity’s original context in Southern Africa, its profound role in the liberation struggle and its potential in continuing processes of reconciliation in Namibia. Reading historical reviews and articles of colonialism and apartheid exposed me to the heart-rending effects of religion in this country. What still strikes me to the core about what I’ve learned is the good religious communities can offer this nation. As our articulate speaker Rev. Nangula Kathindi, President of the Namibian Council of Churches, demonstrates with her words and her work, church involvement in breaking the wall of silence surrounding SWAPO atrocities and human rights violations is for the empowerment of Namibians everywhere. Her posit ion of authority within the church gives a fresh perspective on the role of the church playing into everyday life in Namibia, and how its influence can be used for progressive change today. The words of Kathindi fill me with hope for the future generations of Namibia; she is a living testament to the power of churches reshaping the race-war worn lives of Namibians today.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Assignment community service Essay

RODUCTION This course is designed to instil students’ awareness on social responsibility and care for society. From this assignment i have to identify five types of community service activities for each five category. It is orphanage, urban poor, orang asli, wellness and environment. I have made some research from the internet about this five category. Besides, I have to find the objective and important in community service. In this assignment, I also have to find out about corporate service responsibility. What is corporate service responsibility? I also have to find the different between corporate service responsibility and community service. After done discuss about the community service and corporate service responsibility, I have to related the community service with mine students life. In that I have found the important about community service. Community service is a good subject that every student has to learn. CATEGORY 1: ORPHANAGE An orphanage is a place where children who do not have guardians who are capable of caring for them live. Some orphanages employed professionals like nurses, teachers, and other people involved in raising children in order to care for the children entirely within the orphanage. They give the children basic necessities like food and shelter and take care of education and other issues elsewhere. A child might be sent to an orphanage due to the death of the children’s parents, or the parents may be alive but unwilling or unable to care for the child. Most orphanages work to place children in more  traditional family environments, as these are seen as more secure and desirable than living in an orphanage. Some orphanages are separated by gender, but many care for children of both genders. Normally, the orphanage building will include many aspects that might be found in a house. Rooms for the children sleep, a kitchen, and other related rooms are all likely to be found in an orph anage. If the orphanage also functions as a school, then a schoolroom is important as well. While orphanages have the care of children as their primary responsibility, getting those children adopted is also a major function of these institutions. Working to get children placed in homes not only gives the children a chance at a better life, but also frees up room in orphanages for other orphans. For this reason, it is important for orphanages to try to keep children healthy, happy, and well-socialized, because a child who exhibits these features is much more likely to be adopted than one who does not. Picture 1.0: Sekreteriat Rakan Muda KUIS visited Rumah Penyayang Sg. Buaya, Banting.1 CATEGORY 2: URBAN POOR Urban poor refers to individuals or families in urban areas with incomes below the poverty line as defined by the National Statistical Coordinating Board(NSCB). They are the underprivileged or homeless sector of society like the unemployed, underemployed and the irregularly employed, or who are incapable of meeting the minimum basic needs, and who live in poor area, squatter and resettlement areas, sidewalks, dumpsites, road right-of-way, unoccupied government or private lands or along danger zones like railroad tracks, riverbanks, high tension wires, or other places in urban areas. The urban Poor are integral part of society and are partners in urbanization and industrialization. They help turn the cycle of economy because they are the factory workers, rank and file government and private employees, soldiers, lowly paid policemen drivers, vendors, house help and waiters. They are also the biggest market of industry. They are source of political power. It is because when they exercis e their right to elect local provincial, regional and national officials. Picture 2.0: Urban Poor situation in Malaysia.2 CATEGORY 3: ORANG ASLI Orang Asli is the collective term for the 19 sub-groups of `first peoples’ in Peninsular Malaysia. Orang Asli are largely forest or agriculture based. On the contra, Orang Asli communities, especially in Southern Peninsular Malaysia, were well established before the reign of the Malay Sultans. Orang Laut groups even provided crucial military and economic support during the formation of the Johor and Malacca Sultanates. That the Orang Asli was part of the emerging Malay states can also be gleaned from the customary practices in some states. However, once politically autonomous and independent people are likeness of their ancestors. Much of this has to do with the fact that the Malaysian nation state does not recognize the Orang Asli as a separate people, that is as distinct groups associated with particular territorial bases and requiring `government’ on a different basis from that of the other communities. Picture 3.0: some NGO organization visiting the Orang Asli village, Perak.3 CATEGORY 4: WELLNESS The world health organization defines wellness as â€Å"a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity†. Wellness encompasses a number of these dimensions including physical, social, psychological, spiritual and informational. Wellness is about ensuring that each of these dimensions is in balance. It takes more than physical exercise to maintain good health. Balance is the key to leading a healthy lifestyle. Wellness is the dynamic process of becoming aware of, taking responsibility for and making choices that directly contribute to one’s well-being and that of the common good. It is the integration of body, mind and spirit and the on-going development of one’s own meaning in life. Wellness also knows as an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a more successful existence. The key words in these first sentences are process, aware, choice, and success. Process means that we never a rrive at a point where there is no possibility of improving. Aware means that we are by our nature continuously seeking  more information about how we can improve. Choice means that we have considered a variety of options and select those that seem to be in our best interest. Success is determined by each individual to be their personal 4collection of accomplishments for their life. Picture 4.0: The milo Malaysia breakfast run 20141 CATEGORY 5: ENVIRONMENT The environment is gift of god precious to the welfare of life. Many people depend on the natural resources on this earth. Allah has create the universe and balanced for human prosperity. Extensive land turned into human dwellings, mountains as cookers earth, plants as a source of food and medicine to life, so has the variety of animal and plant life in the oceans. Unpolluted environment provides us with a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere. In addition to providing comfort to the people, it is also to some extent be affected by the activities of national development if the environment in the country is maintained. Nowadays, many people are aware of the importance of nature to human. They have made such as recycling campaign with the slogan says â€Å"thinks first before the throw†. Besides, earth hours to reduce the global warming of the earth. Picture 5.0: cutting newspaper from Cosmo, 26 December 2011, page 16. 5 ARTICLE RELATED TO CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Corporate Social Responsibility (â€Å"CSR†) – A Brief Overview IN THIS ARTICLE, AARON GERARD SANKAR AND YONG SHEUE LIH DISCUSS THE IMPORTANCE AND BENEFITS OF CSR IN A GLOBALISED ECONOMY. CSR programmes and initiatives have clearly been on the rise and these seem to accord with increasing public expectation of such activities being undertaken by companies. This article attempts to outline the potential benefits and to underscore the importance of CSR in the globalised economy. What is CSR? There are many different perceptions of what CSR encompasses and likewise, there have been many attempts to define this concept. The definitions attributed to CSR generally describe it as a concept where corporations  voluntarily integrate social and environmental concerns in carrying out their business. Locally, from the perspective of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (â€Å"Bursa†), CSR is viewed as â€Å"†¦open and transparent business practices that are based on ethical values and respect for the community, employees, the environment, shareholders and other stakeholders†¦ designed to deliver sustainable value to the society at large.† Thus, under the concept of CSR, it is anticipated that a corporation incorporates socially responsible behaviour in the conduct of their business operations, which goes beyond mere compliance with or fulfilment of applicable legal and regulatory requirements. This is done by placing a degree of emphasis on practices that ta ke into account the interests of its â€Å"stakeholders†1. By implementing CSR practices, the corporation would balance the larger and general interest of its other stakeholders with the financial interest of its shareholders6. WHAT IS THE DEFINITION OF COMMUNITY SERVICE? Community service refers to service that a person performs for the benefit of his or her local community. It also knows as voluntary work that is done for free in order to help people or give back to the community. It is also unpaid work that an offender is required to do instead of going to prison so in this case it is involuntary. It also a group within a municipality or government. The community has closer relations with each other than with the rest of the surrounding inhabitants. WHAT IS THE DEFINITION OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY? Corporate social responsibility is a management concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and interactions with their stakeholders. Corporate service responsibility is generally understood and interactions with their stakeholders. Generally it understand as being the way through which a company achieves a balance of economic, environmental and social imperatives, while at the same time addressing the expectations of shareholders. In this sense it is important to draw a distinction between Corporate Service Responsibility, which can be a strategic business management concept and charity, sponsorships. Even though the latter can also make a valuable contribution to poverty reduction, will directly enhances the reputation of a company and strengthen  its brand, the concepts of Corporate Service Responsibility clearly goes beyond that. WHAT IS DIFFERENT BETWEEN COMMUNITY SERVICE AND CORPORATE SERVICE RESPONSIBILITY? Difference between community service and corporate service is in the community. Community service mostly from among student who become a volunteer to a program. While corporate service responsibility is to provide sponsorship or assistance through the company money to develop their companies. For example, give sponsorship to student who wishes to continue their studies abroad while promoting their company. Community service most them from clubs in the university or have create event for subject community service. EXPLAIN AND ELABORATE HOW DO YOU RELATES COMMUNITY SERVICE WITH YOUTH? I serve the local community for teaching me about life retires. How we help others in distress. Other than that we can tasted the fate of the others are more difficult than ours. Examples such as orphans, they do not have parents but to continue their lives with courage. For me it was a lot of trouble to teach retires life. Remembrance of his deep distress that is what we are about feelings to appreciate. Community service also teaches us to become a chairman who triumphed. How do we go through all the allegations before succeeding achieve greatness. In addition, adolescent or student be encouraged to follow his deep community service by young and they are stronger than the old ones. Community service may also foster a spirit of mutual help among adolescents over his deep doubts about the people who are more difficult. CLOSING In conclusion, what I have learnt is about what is community service and corporate service responsibility. What is different between community service and corporate service? Besides, I learn about awareness on social responsibility and care for society. Each person in this earth has their own responsibility to the society. We can define what type that we should alert to help the society. As we know they have five categories that we have learnt. First orphanage, urban poor, orang asli, wellness, and environment. In addition, we can learn more about community service. APPENDICES

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Legal Process Essay

The scenario for this paper states that John is an employee in a private sector organization and he wants to file a discrimination complaint against his employer. The purpose of this paper is to analyze and explain in detail what the legal process is for filing such complaint. The paper will also explain the part that the courts play in these types of complaints. Every case is different so the paper will explain how these laws potentially apply to John. John has decided to file a discrimination complaint against his employer. However, John is not sure how or what needs to be done in order to do this so he must first do some research. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) was created to protect employees like John from discrimination violations. The laws against discrimination at work include race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, and disability (Bennett &Anderson, 2007). All these laws are enforced by the EEOC. The law states that if a person believes that they are a victim of discrimination they must first file a complaint through the EEOC before filing a lawsuit against the employer (EEOC, 2013). John has several ways that he can initiate the process of filing his complaint he can choose to file in person at a nearest location or he can file through mail. He will need to disclose some information in writing like his name, phone number, employer’s name, address, and a brief but detailed summary of the violation/s with dates and locations. All these things are very important because the EEOC can determine whether or not an investigation is needed. According to the EEOC John has 180 days to file a complaint but if in his state there are any laws against discrimination it can extended to 300 days to file a complaint. Also it is important to know that in some cases there are state and local laws that prohibit discrimination in the work place so the EEOC will automatically file the charge with the Fair Employment Practices Agencies (FEPA) which protect the victim under both federal and state law (EEOC, 2013). Now that John is ready to file his complaint with the EEOC he know just needs to wait for them to handle the charge. The EEOC must notify the employer within 10 days of receiving the complaint. Depending on the case that John may have the EEOC may offer that both parties participate in mediation as a way to resolve the issue. However if the case is more severe and or if this doesn’t resolve the issue the case will be given to an investigator for the case to be looked into with more detailed (EEOC, 2013). The EEOC will establish the priority level of the claim and if any laws have been broken. Of course at any point during the process a settlement may be pursued; however if it is not workable, the investigation will carry on and once the investigation is complete the EEOC will make a decision on the case. If the investigation determines that there was no breach of the law the discrimination charges will be dismissed. Notification is then provided to John as a right to sue and he may then file a lawsuit against his employer. In some cases there may not be an investigation because the EEOC finds that John has very little evidence and that there really was no discrimination violation they may choose to close the complaint. If that is the case John would also be notified by mail and he has the option of filing a civil lawsuit against his employer. Once John decides to proceed with the civil lawsuit the courts would now get involve. At this point it would be a good idea for John to hire an attorney who specializes in employment law. In this type of lawsuit the employer can request to have a jury present, if that is the case the jury would listen to both sides of the story, their evidence and their witnesses. A judge will make the final decision in instances such as this. If however, the losing side feels the verdict is unjust they are still able to request an appeal of the verdict. The Appeals Court renders the final judgment except in cases in which a petition is filed with the US Supreme Court. Discrimination has become difficult to distinguish in the global workplace, for the protection of the employee and the employer; businesses must be mindful of relevant state and federal employment laws and the procedure for tackling discrimination. Companies must communicate the â€Å"no tolerance policy† for discrimination to all employees because employee rights are esteemed. Discriminatory acts can be found in varied workplace environments, the employment hiring process, the office setting, and even during the termination of an employee. When a discrimination suit is filed against an employer, the process can be long and extensive. These discrimination laws have been made available to employees to use when individuals believe that a violation of employee rights has occurred in the workplace.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Civil Rights Movement Timeline From 1951 to 1959

Civil Rights Movement Timeline From 1951 to 1959 This  civil rights movement  timeline chronicles the fight for racial equality in its early days, the  1950s. That decade saw the first major victories for civil rights in the Supreme Court as well as the development of nonviolent protests and the transformation of Dr. Martin Luther King  Jr. into the movements preeminent leader. 1950 The U.S. Supreme Court strikes down the segregation of African Americans in graduate and law schools. The initial case was fought by Thurgood Marshall and the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. Marshall used this win to begin building a strategy to fight the â€Å"separate but equal† doctrine established in 1896.   1951 Linda Brown, an 8-year-old girl in Topeka, Kan., lives within walking distance of a whites-only elementary school. Because of segregation, she has to travel by bus to a more distant school for African American children. Her father sues the school board of Topeka, and the U.S. Supreme Court agrees to hear the case. 1953 The Highlander Folk School in Monteagle, Tenn., which runs workshops on organizing protests for individuals such as union organizers, issues invitations to civil rights workers. 1954 The Supreme Court decides Brown v. Board of Education on May 17, arguing that separate but equal schools are inherently unequal. The decision legally prohibits school segregation, declaring it unconstitutional. 1955 Rosa Parks attends a workshop for civil rights organizers at the Highlander Folk School in July.On Aug. 28, Emmett Till, a 14-year-old African American boy from Chicago, is killed near Money, Miss., for allegedly whistling at a white woman.In November, the Federal Interstate Commerce Commission forbids segregation on interstate buses and trains.On Dec. 1, Rosa Parks refuses to give her seat to a white passenger on a bus in Montgomery, Ala., sparking the Montgomery Bus Boycott.On Dec. 5, the Montgomery Improvement Association is established by a group of local Baptist ministers. The organization elects the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.,  pastor of Dexter Avenue Baptist Church, president. In this role, King would lead the boycott. 1956 In January and February, whites angry about the Montgomery Bus Boycott bomb four African American churches and the homes of civil rights leaders King, Ralph Abernathy, and E.D. Nixon.On court order, the University of Alabama admits its first African American student, Autherine Lucy, but finds legal ways to prevent her attendance.On Nov. 13, the Supreme Court upholds an Alabama district court ruling in favor of the Montgomery bus boycotters.The Montgomery Bus Boycott ends in December, having successfully integrated Montgomerys buses. 1957 King, along with Ralph Abernathy and other Baptist ministers, helps found the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) in January. The organization serves to fight for civil rights, and King is elected its first president.The governor of Arkansas, Orval Faubus, obstructs the integration of Little Rock High School, using the National Guard to block the entry of nine students. President Eisenhower orders federal troops to integrate the school.Congress passes the Civil Rights Act of 1957, which creates the Civil Rights Commission and authorizes the Justice Department to investigate cases of African Americans being denied voting rights in the South. 1958 The Supreme Court decision Cooper v. Aaron rules that a threat of mob violence is not reason enough to delay school desegregation. 1959 Martin Luther King and his wife, Coretta Scott King, visit India, the homeland of Mahatma Gandhi, who won independence for India through nonviolent tactics. King discusses the philosophy of nonviolence with Gandhis followers. Updated by Femi Lewis.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

No Extracurricular Activities Heres What You Should Do

No Extracurricular Activities Here's What You Should Do SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Extracurricular activities are one of the most important parts of your college application. After your test scores and grades, they are the best way for a college to get to know more about you and to understand what kind of student you might be on campus. But what if you have no extracurricular activities? Is all hope lost? Read on to find out why things might not be as bad as they seem and what you can do to make up for not havingextracurriculars. The extracurricular activity section on the Common Application is one of the most confusing for students because they don’t know what does and doesn't count as an extracurricular activity. If you haven’t been elected class president and aren’t on a varsity team, how are you supposed to fill up those ten spaces? What if you have no extracurriculars? In this article, I'll show you: How to determine if you actually have any extracurricular activities The reasons many myths about extracurricular activities are false Strategies to compensate for a lack of extracurricular activities, at every grade level When it's okaynot to have extracurricular activities Do You Really Have No Extracurriculars? The first step is to determine if you actually have zeroextracurricular activities. Most students actually have a few, but they just haven't realized it. Extracurricular activities can be almost anything you've done outside of the classroom that doesn’t count for school credit. Ideally, these things will also be something you're interested in – even passionate about. The ideal is that over the course of your four years of high school, you will have explored different interests, developed them, and then decided to dedicate significant amounts of time to an activity. College admissions officers like to see these kinds of activities because they say a lot about what makes you tick, and what kind of person you are when you're committed to something. You can also show certain â€Å"intangible† qualities through your activities, such as leadership and the ability to follow through on something. Many students who think that they don’t have any extracurricular activities actually do, but they don’t think of their activities as â€Å"real† extracurriculars. To see if you have an extracurricular (or two!), sit down and make a list of the following: How do you spend your time at school during lunch? Do you ever participate in groups at your high school, specific activities with your friends (like an intramural sport or a magic club), or interact with other students in a productive way, such as through tutoring? What do you do after school? Have you ever volunteered in the community or at your school? Do you have a job? Do you go straight home? If so, what do you do when you get there? Do you help look after your siblings or otherwise contribute to the house? What did you do last summer? Did you take any classes that weren’t required for school? Did you join a club or play a non-school sport? Did you have a job? What is your favorite hobby? Do you like anything unconventional, like playing the bagpipes? Or do you have more popular interests, like knitting, skiing or other activities that you do in your free time? Good news. If you can think of anything that you have spent a significant amount of time doing for a worthwhile reason, it can probably be counted as an extracurricular activity. Want to build the best possible college application? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. Can Anything Be an Extracurricular Activity? Unfortunately, not everything counts as an extracurricular. For example, if you have really spent all of your free time sitting in front of the television after school, and spent your summer playing video games, hanging out at the mall, or lounging by your country club’s pool, you can’t list those as extracurricular activities. But at the same time, the list of things that do count as extracurriculars is a lot longer than people may think. Some students end up feeling discouraged because they buy into myths about what is and is not a valid activity. Myth #1: Extracurriculars have to be sponsored by your school. Truth #1: Extracurricular activities can be almost anything you are productively dedicated to. It can be an activity in your school, in your community, a nationwide group, or something that you find online. The key is that you get actively involved and make an impact with your involvement. Examples: Organizing a community festival andparticipating in a city orchestrado count as extracurricular activities! Myth #2: I don’t have any extracurriculars because I work or help out at home. Truth #2: Colleges also consider these kinds of activities to be extracurriculars and want to hear about them. Colleges understand that not all students have the luxury – being time or money – to participate in traditional activities because they have to help out at home or get a job. These count as very valid ways of spending your time. If this is the kind of activity you are involved in, you should try to think about how you have made an impact on your family and how these activities have impacted you. For example, you are likely a lot more responsible than the average high school student, and you probably have had to learn good time management skills. Many jobs will also allow you to take on roles where you can showcase your leadership and creativity – so be on the outlook for those kinds of opportunities if work is going to be your main extracurricular! Examples: Tutoring your younger siblings at home after school or working at the local hardware shop to help bring in money for your familydo count as extracurricular activities. Myth #3: Extracurriculars can’t be academic. Truth #3: There are many extracurriculars that are related to academic activities. If you have written for a literary publication, joined a competitive math team, or have worked with a local community college professor on a science experiment, these all count as extracurricular activities. In fact, these sorts of activities are often highly regarded because they show a passion for an area of study. These are especially valuable activities if you are planning on pursuing something similar in college. Examples: Doing your homeworkdoes not countas an extracurricular activity. Writing for a literary publication and competing in a science competitiondo countas extracurricular activities. Myth #4: I spend all my time gaming/blogging/shopping/on social media, so I don’t have any extracurriculars. Truth #4: Sometimes even things that traditionally shouted â€Å"lazy student† can be morphed into college-worthy extracurricular activities. Blogging and social media are both professional pursuits. If you can show that you are dedicated to digital communication and you have made an impact in the online community – for example, you have dedicated yourself to writing a tech help blog, or a YouTube channel about makeup – you can count it as an extracurricular. In fact, someone at my college had few extracurriculars in high school apart from making what was, at the time, the most popular Harry Potter fan website. Over the course of four years in high school, what had started as a small website had grown to be a massively successful business where he connected people around the world over a shared passion. Similarly, things like shopping can be leveraged into a fashion interest, and gamers now have tournaments and other communal outlets. If your interests seem similar to these sorts of things, try to see what you can do to takeyour passion beyondyou sitting alone in a room and turn it into something that allows you to inspire or teach others. Examples: Playing video games at home alone or with friendsdoes not count as an extracurricular activity. Starting a gaming club at school and organizing a gaming tournament for charitydo count as an extracurricular activity. Myth #5: My passion involves only me, so it doesn’t count as an extracurricular. Truth #5: While it’s true that the most successful college applicants will usually have some sort of connection with the wider world – through volunteer work or participation in group activities – not all extracurriculars need to involve many people. If you have dedicated a lot of time over the years to developing a talent, such as art or playing a musical instrument, this also counts as an extracurricular activity. Example: Taking singing classesdoes count as an extracurricular activity. Myth #6: I’m getting paid, so it doesn’t count. Truth #6: As I’ve already stated, colleges are very interested to hear about the activities of students who have to work to help support themselves and their families. But other students who are not financially strapped also choose to get jobs. Even if you don’t need to work, it can be a good reflection of your personality if you choose to work in high school. Try to pursue something related to your future interests. Some students may also choose to do an internship over the summer, and this can be a great addition to your extracurricular list. If you go down this route, try to make sure that the job or internship you choose is something that is going to allow you to develop responsibility, teamwork, and leadership skills, and explore an area that you will be interested in pursuing either in college or professionally. Of course, if you choose to work when you don’t have to, it can take time away from other activities. Is it the right choice for you? Read out article on getting a job as a teenager to see. Example: Doing a paid summer internship with a tech companydoes count as an extracurricular activity. As you can see, there are a lot of things that count as extracurriculars. But what if you really have nothing at all that counts as an extracurricular? What If You Really Have No Extracurriculars? The answer to this question largely depends on how far along you are in high school. If You're a Freshman or a Sophomore†¦ You're in luck! You have a lot of time to develop your extracurricular list. If you are a freshman, I would recommend trying a lot of different activities to see what interests you most. By sophomore year, you ideally should have some sort of idea about what interests you, and you should start to narrow your focus to just those activities. As you get older, it’s important to start showing dedication to a few different activities that you are passionate about. It’s even better if you can show leadership and growth in your activities. If You're a Junior†¦ At this stage, you are running out of time. Many college admissions officers will think that if someone who has previously had no activities start to join a bunch of activities in their junior year, that they are just doing it for college applications as opposed to doing it to develop a passion or to explore a real interest. However, starting something in your junior year is still infinitely better than doing nothing at all. Narrow your focus to one or two activities and get as involved as your schedule will allow. Try to take on leadership responsibilities as soon as possible, and work hard to make a difference in whatever activity or organization you choose to join. Tryto completespecific, quantifiable goals that show that you have left the organization better than you found it. For example, run a membership drive and take note of how many new members you can persuade to join a club, or organize a fundraiser and keep track of how much money you make. Ideally, choose an activity that you will be able to continue into college. The Common App has a place for you to mark if you are interested in continuing your activities into college. If you can genuinely answer "yes" to this question, you will come across as more interested in your chosen activity and appear less like someone who just took up an activity to have something to put on your application. (Remember, you should never lie on your application, even about something as seemingly harmless about your intention to continue with an activity.) In your college application (in the "Additional Information section" or in an essay, if appropriate), you may want to address why you started your activities late in your high school career, and what you managed to contribute and learn through the activities you started your junior year. If You're a Senior†¦ Unfortunately, if you have spent your entire high school career genuinely doing no extracurriculars, you've hurt your chances of getting into many schools. While college admissions officers realize that students can’t do everything – and in fact, it’s better if you don’t try to do everything – your application will be much less competitive because you have chosen to do nothing. At this point, I would recommend two things: Firstly, focus on your test scores and application essays. Many less competitive schools will accept students based just off of grades and test scores. If you are already a senior, there’s not much you can do about your grades (it’s a bit late to turn a 2.0 into a 4.0) – but you can definitely impress with a top SAT or ACT score. Similarly, sometimes students can really sway an admission committee’s opinion with a fantastic essay that shows strong passion for something. Though you won’t be able to back up this passion with an extracurricular, your essays are now the best way you have to express who you are as a person, what kind of college student you will become, and what your goals and interests are for the future. Also keep in mind that grades still matter in senior year. Don’t slack! Secondly, start doing an extracurricular activity now. Choose one that you can be very involved in over the course of senior year and in which you can make a real impact (again, make this a quantifiable one where you can actually list what you have achieved). If you wait until the application deadline for most schools, this will give you 5 months of an activity. While that’s not great, it’s better than nothing, especially if you can show how you’ve made a difference and how it has changed you. Continue doing the activity for the rest of your senior year. If you end up appealing a rejection in the spring, it will work in your favor to have continued the activity. What Should You Not Do? Don’t lie on your application. If you've chosen to not do anything outside of the classroom, then you shouldn’t try to fix that with dishonesty. If your colleges find out, they may decide to rescind any offers they made based on who you misrepresented yourself to be. Instead, make sure that you present yourself as you are, and talk about your future goals and passions in your essays. Are There Any Exceptions? Of course, there are always some exceptions. If you haven't developed any extracurricular activities because you experienced exceptional hardships throughout high school that prevented you from participating, you should make this very obvious on your application in the "Additional Information" section. College admissions officers will appreciate your openness in discussing why you couldn't participate in what otherwise is a very important part of the high school experience. What’s Next? Check out our list of extracurricular activities if you need inspiration for an activity to choose. If you’ve realized that you do have extracurriculars, check out our guide for how to write about extracurriculars on your college application. Getting ready to write those essays? Learn the basics of the personal statement. If your extracurricular list is weak, focus on your test scores. Here’s how to score perfectly on the SAT and ACT. Struggling to write about extracurriculars on your college application?Check out our in-depth guide to crafting a compelling narrative about your extracurriculars. Read it for free now:

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Radical Feminism most effective for the third wave of feminism Essay

Radical Feminism most effective for the third wave of feminism - Essay Example Passive methods of action will only do so much as structural and societal constraints will prevail. Unless there is a more radical outreach, women will remain the â€Å"underdog† in society, especially because the focus is more on conceptual ideologies such as the abolishment of gender role expectations. These issues, much like in the second wave of feminism, will only become marginalized by other social outcries such as welfare that are apparent and seem to need greater attention. Radical Feminism has proven to be the more effective choice of action since it promotes a greater, positive dialogue and initiates a course of action in support of feminist ideals. Therefore, radical feminism may arguably be considered more appropriate for the third wave of feminism. The following paper will define the term radical in relation to feminism and identify boundaries due to its significant spectrum. Furthermore, to support the above-mentioned claims, cases in which radical feminist movem ents in the past have been more effective from relatively passive movements in the incidence of the Women’s Suffrage, will be identified. Like much of feminism, radical feminism too is highly misunderstood. The textbook definition of the term is as follows, â€Å"Radical feminism is a "current" within feminism that focuses on the theory of patriarchy as a system of power that organizes society into a complex of relationships based on an assumption of "male supremacy" used to oppress women†. Additionally, â€Å"Radical feminists tend to be more militant in their approach (radical as "getting to the root") than other feminists are† (Lewis, 2014). The first part defines the term in a broad ideological sense whereas the second shares the thought response. In the technical sense this is fair considering being a militant refers to a broad group of people such as activists, revolutionaries, terrorists or even insurgents, and feminists can be both revolutionaries and activists.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Outline the process of economic and social change envisaged by Essay

Outline the process of economic and social change envisaged by Modernisation Theorists. Critically discuss their contention that the Western model of developmen - Essay Example ry have been thoroughly examined by researchers trying to identify its strengths/ weaknesses but also its role in the development of less – benefited countries (referring especially to the countries of the Third World). It should be noticed that the development of modernization theory has been quick and multi-dimensional – possibly influenced by the simultaneous development of globalization (Dtiglitz, 2002). Trying to locate the historical roots of this theory, Blaney et al. (2002) was led to the conclusion that modernization theory could have started in the previous centuries having being transformed through the years in order to meet the new political and social standards – the so-called – neo modernization theory. Regarding this issue it is noticed by the above researchers that since the putative end of the Cold War, modernization is increasingly reimagined as a global process— as an expanding liberal zone of peace, a global civil society, or as emerging forms of global governance’ (Blaney et al., 2002, 103). This form of modernization theory has been also characterized as being part of the International Relations – a concept developed through the years in order to explain the models of cooperation among the states, the role of governments, and the power of international authorities/ bodies to intervene in order to settle disputes of international character – being developed between members of the international community. The above role of modernization theory in the development of international relations has been explained by Blaney et al. (2002) as follows: ‘while modernization theory implicitly relies on IRs freezing of difference into geopolitical containers, it also projects a natural and universal developmental sequence through which all cultures must pass’ (Blaney et al., 2002, 103). Under these terms, modernization theory could be regarded as being part of the political efforts for the improvement of cooperation among the states

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The NGO Activism via Official Website, a Case Study of WWF, Save the Dissertation

The NGO Activism via Official Website, a Case Study of WWF, Save the Children, and Greenpeace - Dissertation Example Greenpeace†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.48 4.4. Use of Web Technology by WWF, Save the Children, and Greenpeace: A Comparative Study†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.51 4.5. Brief Overview on Other NGOs using the Internet Technology†¦...53 4.6. An Overall Analytical View†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..56 5. Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.60 6. References†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.63 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I am thankful to all m y faculty members, colleagues and institution for giving me an opportunity to study the use of the web technology and the significance of the official websites of the three selected NGOs- WWF, Save the Children, and Greenpeace. I am also especially thankful to my supervisor, _______ ________ for the timely advice, feedbacks and tips which aided me in improving upon my work and remain punctual in the agreed scheduled deliveries of dissertation chapters. ABSTRACT The use of web technology has overcome serious difficulties in the modern business world and the manner in which organizations tend to market their products or services. The present study focuses on the use of the official websites by the non-governmental organizations in reaching out to common masses of people, marketing their activities and trying to get them involved in their activities. The focus is primarily on three NGOs- World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Save the Children, and Greenpeace. A detailed study and analysis on the contents of the official websites of these three NGOs have clearly revealed the importance of the web technology in the enhanced performances of the... The modern times can be called the age of the Internet. More and more uses of the internet can now be found to influence the activities of different organizations and their marketing processes in the business world. This includes the activities of the NGOs as well. In the present times, NGOs are involved in virtual activism, where the digital media of the NGO websites are given credentials for helping and training people. Moreover, any positive change which results in the betterment of society is embraced by the population of the world as a whole. The goal is reached only â€Å"Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection† (Tagore, 1996, p. 27). When this proactive approach is adopted via the website of any NGO; people of the society respond to it positively, and support the causes. The vital consideration is whether the NGOs are using the Internet facility with ingenuity to augment their success. The use of websites can be realized to be in use since a long time. However, the use has been made effective in the recent times when the users of the web technology have realized that with internet they could enhance their activities and gain more profits and success. Thus in the recent times, every business organization might be observed having their own website. This is primarily because the world has now become more competitive and every organization tends to focus on factors that might put them into a higher position among the population of the world.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Background Research Essay Example for Free

Background Research Essay Instructions: For each question, respond in one or more paragraphs of at least four complete sentences. Include supporting facts and details from your research in each response. Provide the sources for your supporting research. Using support from your research materials, identify and explain any political, social, economic, or cultural issues that may shape the story. The Holocaust was going on during this book, and this was a time when many children were vulnerable, and the Nazis killed many young kids, but the chances of survival for Jewish and non-jewish teenagers(13-18) were greater because they could be deployed at forced labor. Source: Imagine what it would be like to live in this situation. Using supporting details from your research, discuss the greatest challenges people might face under these circumstances. When some people are asked about something in the past that somebody else went through, they say, â€Å"I can’t imagine†¦..† And in this case, I really can’t imagine how awful it would be to live in this situation. To be sent to a camp where you are stuffed on a train with hundreds of thousands of people, and you don’t know what is going on. You are separated from your family, the only thing you know. You are put into a gas chamber along with millions of other kids who are too young to work for the German’s, and elderly people who are too old to work. To make it easier on the Germans’, they tell you and your family that is going to be used for forced labor that you’re going to take a shower, and you’ll be back later. But, they never, ever, get to see you again. If you live in the ghetto, you are left without shelter and food because you are unproductive and, â€Å"useless eaters.† And finally, it all stopped when the Nazis surrendered, but it was too late for most, they already were gone, or had a important piece of them that was left in the camp chambers. Sources: Based on your research, describe how these circumstances would affect a person’s identity development (crisis, commitment, diffusion, foreclosure, moratorium, achievement). The personal identities of people who were in the Nazi camps would be much, much more sophisticated than the average person now a days. In Nazi camps, the identity crisis of a lot of people was most likely, ‘how do I stay alive?’ while peoples identity crisis in todays world might be something as little as, ‘who is a good friend?’. Kids and elderly people didn’t have a commitment during this time period, because they didn’t have the chance to decide what they wanted to do. The Nazi’s decided for them. People in the Nazi camps didn’t have identity diffusion because they couldn’t make any decisions on their own, the German’s made them all for them. They didn’t have identity foreclosure either, because they were not able to commit to anything at the camps because they were just ordered to do whatever the German’s wanted. I suppose that some people in the camps could have an identity moratorium, and it might be, ‘Do I run away and risk being killed? Or should I just stay and work until this is over?’. The identity achievement of one in a Nazi camp might be, ‘after struggling to decide he wanted to stay and work, or run away and have the chance of being killed, he decided to wait, and finally when the war was over and the Nazi’s surrendered, he was set free.’ Sources: